Assessment of Climatic Comfort in the Rural Houses the North of Qazvin plain by Using ET and PET Methods
Subject Areas : Geopolitic
Hossein Inanlo
Hossein Mohammadi
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Keywords: Climatic Comfort, Qazvin plain, effective temperature, Physiological Equivalent
, Tem,
Abstract :
The Approach of being compatible with nature is very important so that complying withenvironmental housing will be a valuable step in modulating the energy challenges. Thevillages and the rural - urban located suburban have considerable importance .In this study,firstly, population-based study has been done to determine the need for housing in ruralnorthern plains of Qazvin using Statistics, Population and Housing in the years, 1996, 2006and 2011 .Then according to the data from meteorology stations within and adjacent areas,climatic zoning in Arc GIS was performed. Finally, climate comfort zone with experimentaleffective temperature (ET) and the application of physiologically equivalent temperature(PET) was calculated. The results showed, In terms of population, study rural housing is thejustified. Map and typing climate became semi-arid to arid climate along the northwest to thesoutheast of the region. As a result of the differences in climate, the climate comfort in thesoutheast direction, shows a significant decrease. The results of this study is to recommendpractical cases such as run compact architecture with heavy roof and wall, locating veranda inthe North East of houses, roof openings and brick facade of the application .