Examination of Impacts of The Nomadic Sedentarization Plan Case Study on: Development Sites of Shiblu, Sayedabad and Sheikh Maroof in West_Azarbaijan
Subject Areas : GeopoliticAhmad Rahimi 1 * , Seyed Rahim Moshiri 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Sedentarization, Development Site, Sustainable development,
Abstract :
Sedentarization was put into force since the Islamic Revolution and at the outset ofthe 2nd National, Social, Economic and Cultural Development Plan, aiming topromotion of Nomadic livelihoods and improvement of the rangelands, followed bythe 3rd and 4th Plan, too.Government mainly addresses enhancement of nomadic livelihoods throughsupporting them at self-generated and preplanned development sites, and has so farsedentarized more than 58000 nomadic households at these spots.This research examines the spatial, economic and social consequences ofsedentarization at 3 different sites e.g. Shiblu Sayedabad (Koom) and Seikh Maroof inWest Azarbaijan. Research methodology, upon the basic queries, relied on 4presumptions. Results disclosed that after sedentarization, number of animals droppedagainst generation of other occupations, followed by rangelands improvement.Moreover, there seen certain changes in nomadic relationships with surrounding citiesor villages within the summer and winter fields premises. In terms of social and wellbeing dimensions, more changes are experienced, but at economic scale, wheareashigher income generated for the nomads, but this factor couldn’t promptly cause theirfull satisfaction. The core advice on nomadic sedentarzation process in W-Azarbaijanmainly focuses on prevention of further township building at their new sites.