The Position of Common Areas in Creating an Identity of the New Cities," a Case Sample Parand New City"
Subject Areas : Geopolitic
Seyyed Rahim Moshiri
Azita Rajabi
Seyyedeh Fezzeh Jafar Nejad Shourkaei
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - مسئول مکاتبات
Keywords: Identity, Urban Identity, the Components of Urban Identi, Common
, Areas, Parand New City,
Abstract :
This present article begins with a basic inquiry about "what relationship there isbetween common areas established in Parand new city and identity forming and thesense of belonging to a place and the spaces full of social life.In fact, this article is searching for determining the role, the type and the degree ofthe relationship between common areas and identity in Parand new city meanwhile itsmain purpose is recognizing the degree of the relationship between common areas andidentity and the sense of belonging to a place.Results obtained from studies show that there is a meaningful relationship betweencommon areas as an independent variable and the identity of Parand new city as adependent variable in this research. That is, the higher is the degree of the mentionedindependent variable in the aimed community (Parand new city), the more would bethe identification and their sense of belonging to Parand new city.