Survey of Flood water Spreading on quantitative changes of Vegetation Cover and Groundwater Recharge by Remote Sensing and GIS in Tasouj Aquifer in East Azarbayjan
Subject Areas : GeopoliticHossein Saadati 1 * , Maghsoud Khayyam 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Groudwater, Flood Spreading Project (FSP), Recharge, Remote Sensing
, and GIS, Tasouj, vegetation cover,
Abstract :
One of the methods for water supplying and control of drying and flood is theapplication of water flooding. The work reported here was conducted at theexperimental station located in Tassuj plain, 110 km north-west of Tabriz in thenorthern of Oroumiye lake, situated between 45°18 to 45° 33E and 38° 15 to 38° 24 N,with an average annual precipitation of 362.3 mm, and average annual evaporation of989.5 mm. The study basin has an area of 5590 km2 with 3000 km2 on which floodspreading is possible. The aims of this research are investigation of efficacy of FloodSpreading Project (FSP) on vegetation cover and recharge of groudwater in Tassujstation. Remote sensing and GIS systems are effective and efficient techniques inwatershed management and investigation flood distribution in plains. After preparingmentioned parameters in GIS environment (using Arc GIS software), digital maps andtwo satellite images TM (1992) and ETM (2002, 2006) of the study area from floodspreading of Tassuj was used. Images were interpretated by Hybrid or optic method oncomputer monitor. The results were indicated that vegetation cover increased afterFlood Spreading Project equal 18% to 34% in 1378 to 1384 year. Bare soil decreasesin 9 years at last too. Deposit of drying, groundwater level does not decrease but alsodischarge of wells was increased. Study of unit hydrograph of Tassuj plain wasdeterminated that groundwater level decreases equal 10 meters in 1373 to 1380 butafter flood spreading in the1380 year it increased.