Measuring effective indicators on quality of life with emphasis on community-based strategic planning in new towns Hashtgerd and Pardis case study
Subject Areas : Geography and Urban Planning
Abdollah Shadman
Rahim Sarvar
Yosefali ziare
1 - Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - ,Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, central Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: pardis, Path analysis, Hashtgerd, new town,
Abstract :
New towns are communities and planned cities where all aspects of development begin before construction. The increase in the population of the country's metropolises, especially Tehran, has put the physical development of these cities in an unreasonable direction and has faced new problems for the lives of citizens and newly urbanized groups. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the effective indicators in the new towns of Pardis and Hashtgerd. The present study, according to the nature of the subject and its general purpose, is descriptive and analytical and was conducted with a questionnaire of 100 people. The variables were evaluated in 4 sections: social, cultural, infrastructure and leisure. Path analysis and regression were used to measure the quality of life. Findings show that a unit change in the standard deviation of the variable of mixing performance and activity and compatibility of activities, causes the standard deviation of the dependent variable (general area of worn tissue) to change by 83 and 77%. The results show that the leisure variable was the only variable that could only directly affect the quality of life. Of course, because this variable enters the equation immediately after the quality of life variable and is considered as an intermediate (internal) dependent variable, so it has no indirect effect on quality of life. Key words: New town, Hashtgerd, Pardis, path analysis..