Investigating the effect of individual and environmental factors of Empowerment of villagers on reverse migration and the relationship between them (Case study: Kordabad, Vian and Taherlu villages Kaboudrahang)
Subject Areas : Geography and Rural Planningdavood abbasi 1 , Masoud Mahdavi Hajiloui 2 * , Rahim Sarvar 3 , Parviz kardvani 4
1 - azad
2 - Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
3 - Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
4 - Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
Keywords: Individual and Environmental Factors, Empowerment, reverse migration,
Abstract :
Abstract Today, migration is one of the main problems of rural communities and empowering villagers seems to be one of the best solutions. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of individual and environmental factors of Empowerment of villagers on reverse migration and the relationship between them to the case study of Kordabad, Vian and Taherlu villages Kaboudrahang. In this regard, the present research method is descriptive-analytical with a practical purpose that has been collected by the data questionnaire tool and to analyze the data is used from Pearson correlation coefficient, step-by-step regression and variance analysis test in the form of SPSS software. In this regard, research findings have shown that there is a direct and significant relationship between individual and environmental factors with rural empowerment with the motive of reverse migration, individual and environmental empowerment factors are effective in reverse migration and that the motive for reverse migration among rural villagers Taherloo and Vian are more than the villagers of Kordabad village. Keywords: Individual and environmental factors, empowerment, reverse migration, Kordabad, Vian, Taherlo villages.