The Impact Assessment of Cultural, Sport and Art Spaces in Improving Citizens Quality of Life; Case Study: District 18 of Tehran
Subject Areas : Geography and Urban PlanningMorteza Heydari 1 * , Jamileh Tavakolinia 2 , Batoul Majidi Khamene 3
1 - Human Geography,Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Human Geography, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Human Geography, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran
Keywords: Cultural space, District 18, quality of life, Sport Space, Art Space,
Abstract :
quality of life is derived from the common experience of residents regarding their environment and its ability to respond to the citizens' needs. In this study, the impacts of cultural, sports, and art spaces of Tehran's district 18 as one of the elements affecting the improvement of the quality of life for citizens were investigated using a subjective approach. The statistical population of this study was determined as 385 subjects using Cochran's formula. At first and for analyzing, testing, and deduction of hypothesis, the questionnaires for district 18 residents were segregated from other referrers, then Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one-sample t-test with test value of 3, independent t-test and Friedman test were used for analyzing them. According to the results of one-sample t-test with test value of 3 and independent t-test, it was determined that cultural, sports, and art spaces of district 18 have affected quality of life differently by providing various regional and transregional functions. The results of Friedman test showed that each cultural, sports, and art center of district 18 had different impacts on life quality of regional and transregional citizens such that “Paradis Tamasha Cinema” and “Shahidan Esmaeili Sports Complex” had the highest and lowest impact respectively.