Comparative Comparison of Experiences of catalyst projects with Urban regeneration Approach in Selected Cities of the World
Subject Areas : Urbanism- Architecture
Mohammadreza Hashemi
esmaeil shieh
1 - Department of urbanism, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, West Tehran Branch, Azad Islamic University, Tehran, Iran
2 - professor of urban planning,facualty of Arts and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, West Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department Of urban planning, faculty of art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: "Catalyst project", "ANP Method", " regeneration",
Abstract :
Summary: Catalyst projects are one of the most recent approaches to urban regeneration literature in the world and in Iran. . In this research, using descriptive-analytical methodو attempting to use the scientific and practical research in selected cities of the world (England, the Netherlands and Iran) and in order to achieve the purpose of the article, the success factors of the implementation of the mentioned projects are expressed. for achiving this goal, five examples of implementation of development Catalyst project from selected countries were selected. In process using the ANP method in Super decision software, a pairwise comparison of the criteria, sub-criteria and options was performed and, finally, after obtaining the weights associated with them, It is concluded that at the level of criteria, the most important factors in the success of the projects are reliance on social and economic criteria. But in more detail, such as environmental improvement(environmental criteria), public space (social criteria), economic actors, branding and improvement of housing (economic criteria ), public services, attention to context and fabric and, ultimately, land use (physical criteria) One of the most important factors is the optimal implementation in Catalyst project Key words: regeneration, Catalyst project, ANP Method