Prone areas the development of geosites based on assessment methods And zoning (Case study: Marivan)
Subject Areas : Geography and Tourism Planning
مهران مقصودی
hamid ganjaeian
Mojdeh Feridoni Kordestani
Atrin Ebrahimi
1 - دانشگاه تهران
2 - Tehran University
3 - Kharazmi UNIVERSITY
4 - Tabriz University
Keywords: Geosites, Gam, Fassoulas, Kubalikova, Marivan,
Abstract :
Geosites in addition to academic values, protective values, cultural, aesthetic, social and economic requirements. Based on this research geosites in the city of Marivan, have been studied. For this purpose the city 12 geo sites have been identified and assessed. This research To evaluate the geosites three methods have been used Gam, Fassoulas and Kubalikova. And after evaluation criteria and sub-criteria using any of the methods, based on the scores obtained, the regional geo sites are ranked. After evaluating geosites, maps zoning areas prone to the development of geotourism is provided. For this purpose, 8 parameter is used And in order to do zoning, the fuzzy logic model AHP is used. The results indicate that Zribar Lake, Plain Bilo, Plain Navtagh and Zone Ghamchian have the highest value. Also, the criteria were considered in these methods can be said that the management and protection of regional geosites not suitable It is therefore essential to develop geotourism industry in the city on the management, conservation and public awareness raising activities is necessary.