The Role of Entrepreneurial Women in economic Development(Case Study: khoramrod Rural District of Tuyserkan City)
Subject Areas : Geopolitic
moslem bashirahsan
rebaz ghorbaninejad
1 - کارمند شهرداری تهران
2 - Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran  
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, rural economic development, entrepreneur women, khoramroud rural district of tuyserkan city,
Abstract :
The participation of women in all aspects of economic life is one of the most important factors in achieving sustainable economic development of rural areas and for that, consider as a fundamental necessity. Accordingly, this article studies the role of women entrepreneurs in rural economic development emphatically on Khoramroud rural district of Tuyserkan city. Research data have been collected by questionnaire and field studies of twenty villages of Khoramroud rural district. After that, the data have been analyzed by descriptive-analytical methodology, field survey and using of Spearman Test. Results anf findings show that the participation of entrepreneur women of Khoramroud rural district has provided the economic development of that area, increase of occupation and revenue along with growth of investment and facilities. Nevertheless, this phenomenon has not caused sustainable economic revival and enrichment with long-term economic diversification of that rural district.