The Role Drainage Plate Network, Channel and Ecological Reservoir in the Management of Urban Surface Runoff; Case Study: Town of Sajadieh Tehran
Subject Areas : Geography and Urban PlanningSaeid Amanpour 1 , Morteza Abiyat 2 * , Mostefa Abiyat 3
1 - Associate Prof, ,Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Earth Sciences and GIS, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - MSc. Student, in Geography & Rural Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - MSc. Student, in Geography & Rural Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Drainage Plate Network, Management of Urban Surface Runoff, Town of Sajadieh, Channel and Ecological Reservoir, Atlantis,
Abstract :
Veneered surfaces, roofs of buildings, streets and the like in urban areas as a barrier against the infiltration of rainwater into the soil and groundwater recharge.They cause more of rainfall to surface runoff and floodsto be converted. Combined method influence, storage and transmission of Atlantis, as the most urban runoff management approach, including implementation of a network of underground ducts, using Atlantis materials and execution of drainage layers on it and store water collected from the network. In this way, the possibility of penetration, transfer and storage provided and benefit levels increased urban streets as well as the transfer and accumulation of contamination is prevented. Town sajadieh located in the lower elevations of the highway and besat shahrzad and street in the south and west causes waterlogging town streets in the rain times. The present study has a descriptive, analytical approach and to investigate the role drainage plate networks, channel and ecological reservoir as the new approach in connection with control and management of surface runoff in town sajadieh Tehran.