Investigating the Resistance of Several Cucumber Cultivars to Bemisia Tabaci in Greenhouse Conditions
Subject Areas : Optimizing the use of fertilizers and poisonsMasoomeh Samareh Fekri 1 * , zahra Alidoost 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Science, Specialization in Agricultural Entomology, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch
2 - Master of Agriculture, Rudab East Agricultural Jihad Center
Keywords: Bemisia tabaci, Cucumber, Resistance,
Abstract :
Bemisia tabaci is one of the most important pests of crops. In this study, the preference of free and non-free hosts, the growth period, and the percentage of pre-maturation mortality of this pest on certain cucumber cultivars under greenhouse conditions were carried out in a completely randomized block design. the results showed that the effect of different cucumber cultivars on total insect attraction and free spawning rate was significant. The highest and lowest total number of insects per unit leaf area was recorded at 10.97 and 7.18 on Y353 and Brilliant, respectively. additionally, the highest and lowest number of eggs per unit leaf area was observed at 56.29 and 28.13 on Y353 and Brilliant, respectively. The results showed that there was a significant difference among tomato cultivars in terms of non-free spawning preference at a 1% level. the highest and lowest number of eggs per unit leaf area was observed on Y353 (43.77) and Brilliant (23.82), respectively. The effect of the host cultivar had a significant impact on both the length of the growth period and the percentage of mortality before reaching maturity. the highest growth period (32.86 days) and the highest percentage of mortality (60.20 days) were recorded on the Brilliant cultivar and the lowest growth period (26.74 days) and the lowest percentage of mortality (43.63 days) were recorded on the Y353 cultivar. Therefore, Brilliant is less suitable than other cultivars for controlling B. tabaci, making it an appropriate choice for pest management strategies to minimize damage.
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