The Image of Self and the Other in Esmaeel Fasih's Sorayya in Coma
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Assistant Professor , Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Quran Sciences and Hadith University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: novel, صورةالآخر, الذات, فصیح, روایة, ثریا, The other's face, native, Fasih, Sorayya,
Abstract :
The novel Sorayya in Coma by Esmaeel Fasih is among contemporary novels in which some important periods of historical and political life of Iran (the eighties) have been presented. Presence of the other in Iran is pointed and emphasized in the novel. In this paper, the other against "native" or same “Iranian essence” is whoever does not carry Iranian identity or nationality. Discussion method is analytical here and it has been tried to describe interpretation provisions and methods of “the other” including its set of values, culture manifestations, life style, religion, beliefs, dressing, customs and traditions as much as possible. The other's face- western or eastern- has been drawn abundantly in Sorayya in Coma. A corrupted and negative picture of the American, the Arab and the Turkish can be seen clearly in this novel. Although France is a European country, a logical and balanced picture of it has formed in personalities' subjectivity of the novel. Fasih has presented "native" face in character of Sorayya in this novel such that Status of Sorayya projects in mind the condition of Iran during imposed war.
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