Analytical Study of the Novel Snow Comes from the Window( Al – Salj Yaati men Al- Nafezah ) by Hanna Mina
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMohammad Hadi Moradi 1 , Mohsen khoshghamat 2
1 - Assistant Prof., Allameh Tabatabaee
University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD Candidate, Allameh Tabatabaee
University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: realism, الواقعیة, حنا مینة, الأشیاء الجامدة, Hanna Mina, Inanimate objects,
Abstract :
Hanna Mina is considered as one of the realist writers. He achieved fame in Syria By his first novel al-masabih al-zorq (1945) and in his later works introduced himself as a prolific and talented writer.He was different from the others because the subject of his novels was life problems and he believed that realism can embrace other literary schools such as Romanticism and Symbolism. This approach shows how he uses symbols and other modern techniques in his novels. The novel Snow Comes from the Window is the story of a hero who escapes from fight against tyranny at first but learns principles of fight at different stages and passes the steps of knowledge and her character grows from an ordinary to a revolutionary. This research intended to study the realistic approach of Hanna Mina and explores the implications of some inanimate objects in particular, the role of window in the development of the hero.
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