Sufi-lyrics of Ibne Farez and Jamie ; conceptual comparative criticism
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMohammad Hadi Moradi 1 , Fatemeh Nasrollahi 2
1 - Faculty member of University of Allameh Tabatabaie
2 - Student of Islamic Azad University- Karaj Branch
Keywords: جامی, الحب, ابن الفارض, الغزل الصوفی, الخمر, المرأة, Ibne Farez and Jamie, Sufi-lyric-Love- Wine- Woman,
Abstract :
Comparative literature is one of the major branches of literature, in which the researcher surveys on the works of two poets who enjoy different literature and after identifying of the differences and similarities between both of them, their poems and proses are compared. This leads to unity of culture between two nations and also the great literary men are mostly recognized. In this research, sufi-lyrics of two eminent poets, Ibne Farez and Jami, have conceptually been investigated since both are considered the pioneers of sufi verse between Arab and Persian. This research first deal with the biography of two poets and then their poems are conceptually surveyed based on the most significant symbols of sufi verse such as wine and woman that is used as the mystery of verse by poet in order to express his spiritual goal and mystical purpose.
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