The Portrait of the Female Beloved in Moalaghate Haftganeh
Subject Areas : Literary criticismHamed Sedghi 1 , Yasin Veysi 2
1 - Assistant Prof., Tarbiyat Moallem University
2 - Post-Graduate Student of Science and Research Campus
Keywords: المرأﺓ المعشوقة, المعلقات, الشعر الجاهلی, Jaheli woman, physical beauty, sonnet,
Abstract :
As far as "Jaheli " poetry is concerned the main theme is woman the evidence for which is found in the scarcity of ode begun with anything except love, sonnet, description of female beauties and the poet to reach her mysteries. A "Jaheli" poet describes woman beauties primarily fascinated by her face , the beauty of her body quite expectedly ,but describing her moral spiritual aspects and an image of her affection as well as the love story between and woman just come after the description of women body . Moreover, Jaheli woman is superior to the ordinary people and enters poets' lives inspiring them with simultaneously encouraging them to create artistic works which results in masterpieces in describing woman and innovation in portraying her beauties. The Jaheli poet portrays an statute of Jaheli woman in whose forehead some signs are evident. His poetry starts from hair and comes to the feet. This is a simile suggesting the secret of life full of morals and spiritual attributes which themselves are ones that Jaheli man appreciates as a whole in the woman.
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