The Analysis and Study of the Life of Abu-al-Faraj Isfahani, and His book Alghani
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Hassan Dadkhah
Mohammad Hassan Zadeh
1 - Associate Prof; Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: الشعر, الأدب, أبوالفرج الإصفهانی, الأغانی, Isfahani, Alghani,
Abstract :
Abu-al-Faraj Isfahani is deemed among the most outstanding thinkers of the third century, who has been also an authority in disciplines such as geneology.In this essay we have regarded his scholarly as well as literary biography and we have studied the ambiguities in his personality. Then we have deconstructed his book Alghani and have criticized some aspects of it. Apart from what the opponents and proponents have claimed concerning Isfahani's character, many scholars have confessed his literary and scientific rank, and Alghani is regarded as a literary and historical encyclopedia since inside the book ,one can find the biography of many of the Jaheli, Islamic ,and Abbasi era poets all of which can be viewed as a reliable source to the researchers.
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