Repetition in Contemporary Poetry of Palestine: A Case Study of The Divan Alasf-ol- Maakul
Subject Areas : Literary criticismAbbas Yadollahi Farsani 1 * , Mahmood Shakib Ansari 2
1 - Abbas Yadollahi
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Full Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: music, repetition, Zionist Regime, العصف المأکول, التکرار, الکیان الصهیونی, الموسیقی, الشعر الفلسطینی, Al-AsafAl-Makoul, Palestinian poetry,
Abstract :
This study investigates repetition and its various manifestations in the poetical collection of Al-Asaf Al-Makoul. The Palestinian poet has used this technique for stating pains and sufferings of the Palestinian due to occupation of their nation by the Zioniston the one hand and for adding a kind of rhythm and music to his poetry on the other hand. The present paper is an attempt to introduce various manifestations of repetition based on descriptive- analytical method such as repetition ofvoice,word, verb, pronoun, symbols and expressions and also it points to function of various aspects of repetition in sentence structure and their strengths in creation of new poetic structures. Pondering in this poetry collection, the reader finds out that topic of repetition has created strong connections between the poet and calamities of his land; accordingly, this expressive method displays a type of spiritual space so that it shows the spiritual pains and internal unsaid things that aim to strengthen desire of the reader. Finally, the study came to this conclusion that the Palestinian poet has applied the repetition technique as an effective tool for stating his own inner thoughts to influence the reader and he depicts crimes of Zionist Regime.
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