The Analysis of Nirfana in the Sonnet "Afif" (Chaste) Based on Modern Psychological Criticism with a Case Study of Aboobakr Mohammad Davood Esfahani
Subject Areas : Literary criticismRoohollah Sayyadinejad 1 , Faezeh Pasandi 2
1 - Assistant professor , Arabic Language and Literature Department, Kashan University, Kashan,Iran
2 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language and Literature, Kashan University,Kashan, Iran
Keywords: الإصفهانی, النقد النفسی الحدیث, الغزل العفیف, النیرفانا, Modern Psychological Criticism, Afif Sonnet, Nirfana,
Abstract :
Sonnet "Afif" found existence during Abbasid period, in spite of presence of Sufi poets and on top of them Mohammad Davood Esfahani known as Zaheri who went beyond physical sensation and lived with a pure and holy love. This sonnet was the result of unaffected Islamic education in which religious teachings immingled with human spirit which resulted in chastity and virtue. Among most important features of this sonnet is "Nirfana" which had great influence on Arabic poetry progress because it created a distinct poetic purpose and in addition to maintaining classic poetic methods it was influenced by Islamic civilization and other cultures of that time. The aim of this study is to reveal some characteristics of spiritual nurturing being common among Buda, Sufi and importance of mystic life and its position in these two religions and to discover scientific methods and tools to accommodate it with keeping away from sensual desires and moving toward divine essence as well as investigating Nirfana's thought in the sonnet "Afif". Death, pain, lack of will, inner tension, and masochism are some of its most important elements. Therefore, exact investigating of this poet's poems will reveal its technical value and chaste approach in studying this distinct poetic aspect.
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