The Portrait of Revolution and Resistancein Aboulqasem Lahouti's Poetry
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Ali Ganjian
soraya rahimi
1 - Associate Prof. , Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature ,Allameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran
2 - المرکز الإسلامی الکبیر لغرب البلاد-محافظة کردستان-مدینة سنندج
Keywords: Iran, Resistance, إیران, الثورة, Revolution, المقاومة, class differences, التفاوت الطبقی, الحزب الشیوعی, لاهوتی, Communist party, Lahouti,
Abstract :
AboulqasemLahouti is a pioneer and eminent poet in Persian literature. His poems are like historical narratives which ingeminate what happened to Iran in that period of history for his readers and audiences. He is a capable poet who is aware of his social responsibilities and has realized the significance of poetry and its effect on people's soul and its power to motivate nation and people to face power and despotism; therefore, he has expressed his liberal and reforming thoughts and ideas in the form of beautiful poems and he has invited and called his compatriots to arise and fight against injustice, cruelty and corruption. The current study and research decides to introduce this great, prestigious poet who unfortunately has remained obscure. This article studies and surveys the resistance and revolution in Lahouti's poems in analytical descriptive way and style and also expresses the most dominant and particular theme and content of his poems consisting freedom, criticizing government, colonialism review, complaint about ignorance and neglected people, reminiscence of glorious past and taking inspiration from it. By searching and deliberating in Lahouti's poems we can realize that he is a responsible and poet who motivates bravery and courage among his compatriots to fight against the enemies for the sake of reaching freedom and equality in the battlefield. On the other hand, Lahouti's joint to communist party, his political views, military morale and presence in battlefields are the features which cause Lahouti's poems be promotional (slogan) and full of invitation to insurgence and resistance in more cases.
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