Ironical Manifestations in Poetry of Ahmed Abdol Almo’ti Hijazi : Case Study: “Leman Naqanni” Ode
Subject Areas : Literary criticismRoqayeh Rostampoor Maleki 1 * , Ensieh Khazali 2 , Maryam Qolami 3
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD Candidate, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: irony, المفارقة, الشعر المصری الحدیث, أحمد عبدالمعطی حجازی, contemporary Egyptian poetry, Ahmed Abdol Almo’ti Hijazi,
Abstract :
Irony is a mysterious communicative language between writer and reader and among its beauties, brevity and oddity and duality of meaning can be referred to. So it is considered as one of the best means of interpretation in an indirect way to reform society. This article elaborates on irony in terms of language and terminology with emphasis on the most important available works in this area. Then it investigates elements of irony and its objectives. Finally ironical manifestations are pictured in “Leman Naqnni” ode by Ahmed Abdol Almo’ti Hijazi. This ode is like a drama in which irony relies on ambiguity and complexity. Sometimes it is described as simplicity and sometimes as negligence. In this poem the poet with hope of reforming society, applies various types of verbal, dramatic, and musical irony to describe the situation being dominant in Egypt in which cry for liberalism has been suppressed.
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