Child Lamentation in Poetry of Egyptian Poet Ibn-e- Nabata and Khaqani Sherwani
Subject Areas : Literary criticismAbd-al- Qader Pariz 1 * , Hamed KamaliMaskooni 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Departmentof Arabic Language and Literature, Alameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran
2 - M.A Graduate Student, Departmentof Arabic Language and Literature, Alameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: رثاء الأولاد, ابن نباتة المصری, الخاقانی الشروانی, مقارنة الشعر العربی والفارسی, lamentation of children, Egyptian Ibn-e-Nabata, KhaqaniSherwani, Arabic and Persian Poetry Comparison,
Abstract :
Egyptian poet Ibn-e- Nabata is one of the poets of Mamlooki era who witnessed the death of his beloved ones including his own wife and children and composed elegiesdescribing this event and its influence on him. Ibn-e-Nabata’selegy for children's death is true description of separation andpain for the loss of his children. So his elegy is sung with such a painful heart that is near to explode from great sadnessas if he is about to die. On the other hand Persian poet KhaqaniSherwani has told Elegy for death of hisdarlings and relatives. KhaqaniSherwani lost his son, Amir Rashid Al-Din and his death made him to compose elegy in his elegiesmost famous of whichbeing Taranom Al-Masaeb(The Songs of Sufferings). This study aims to compare the lamentation and its characteristicsinKhaqani and Ibn-e- Nabata’s poems based on American comparative literature school. In this regard, the below questions are discussed and responded: What is the view of two poets in their elegiacodes? Who is superior in this area? What are the similarand different aspects of their mournful poems? General result of this article shows that Khaqani surpasses his Arabic counterpart lamentation singing for his son since human feelings are depicted more fully in his composition than Ibn-e- Nabata's. In addition, he is innovative in this genre of poetry.
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