Confrontation of Civilizations between the Self and the Other in BahaaTaher’sNovel Vahat All- Ghoroob
Subject Areas : Literary criticismKobra Roshanfekr 1 , Hadi NazariMonazam 2 , Nooh Eslami 3 *
1 - Assistant Prof. ,Department of Arabic Language and Literature ,Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and LiteratureDepartment, TarbiatModarres University, Tehran, Iran
3 - M.A. Student, Department of Arabic Language and LiteratureDepartment, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Image recognition, صورولوجیا, الأنا والآخر, بهاء طاهر, روایة واحة الغروب, the self and the other, BahaTaher, vahat Al-Ghoroob,
Abstract :
Civilization means pervasive progress in areas such as justice, relationships, behaviors and cultures of two groups. Each civilization presents to other civilizations intentionally or unintentionally what it owns. What leads to the dialogue between civilizations is their relationships and conflictions through wars and conquests as it happened in the history and is depicted sometimes in literary texts. Image recognition is a science which presents the image of a country or a nation in a way that helps the researcher to discover the presented images. Of the structures of this science is the image of the other which is contrasted with the image of ego. BahaTaher, the contemporary Egyptian novelist dedicated part of his novel Vahat Al-Ghoroobto present trilateral dialectic between the ego (Egyptian civilization) and the other (Greek civilization represented by Alexander the Great and Persian civilization represented by king Darius) andhe speaks about Egyptians (collective ego) and Persians and their king Darius and his army (negative other) from the other perspective. This research aims to study the presented images of Alexander the Great and Persians in the novel Vahat Al-Ghoroobrelyingon descriptive-analytical and historical approach and by investigating the dialogues taking place between characters of the novel. The results indicate that the positive western other is exemplifiedin Alexander the Great and the author pictures him as someone who possesses human virtues and has been popular among Egyptians. Someone who integrates the world in his egotism after his wars with Persians.
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