Narrative Time in Vacini Al-Erj’s Novel RamadAl-sharg
Subject Areas : Literary criticismKobra Roshanfekr 1 , fereshte azarnia 2 *
1 - Assistant Prof. ,Department of Arabic Language and Literature ,Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran
2 - خریجة مرحلة الماجستیر فی اللغة العربیة وآدابها، جامعة تربیت مدرس، طهران، إیران
Keywords: novel, الروایة, الزمن الروائی, واسینی الأعرج, رماد الشرق, narrative time, Ramad Al-Shargh, Vacini Al-Erj,
Abstract :
Time is one of the basic elements in narrative dialogue and effective in technical and beauty of the structure of the text. Critics and researchers have paid special attention to it since Russian structuralism. The time in contemporary novel such as classic novel is not based on the logical continuity, but it has been oriented to deviation in temporal revolution and change in logical relation between events. So, contemporary novelists changed the time of narration.VaciniAl-Erjis one of these authors. This research tries to study the time of narration in Remad Al-Shargh novel written by an author from Algeria using descriptive analytic method and Gérard Genette’views. The novel includes two volumes entitled: "Kharif Newyork Al-Akhir" and"Al-ZaebAl-laziNabatfel Al-Barari". The present research tries to obtain feature of narratives of time in this novel and that how the author innovated in this connection. Some of the results of the research are: lack of conformity between narrative system and story system by flashback and flashforward that lead to form adistorted time in the novel; specially, the flashback is nearly a prevailing phenomenon on the novel and the narrator again reads the past events by that, in order to show that the present problems are the result of the past events. And since this novel covers a long period, so the author applies various techniques for speeding and slowing the time and makes variety and motion in temporal movement.
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رسالة واسینی الینا عبر ایمیل: 4 سمبتمبر 2015م.
حوارنا مع واسینی الأعرج : 24 سبتمبر 2015م.