Investigating Imagology of America in Ahmad Matar's Poetry
Subject Areas : Literary criticismkhalil parvini 1 , seyed hosein hoseini 2 *
1 - أستاذ فی قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها بجامعة تربیت مدرس، طهران، إیران
2 - طالب دکتوراه فی قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها بجامعة تربیت مدرس، طهران، إیران
Keywords: الشعر العربی المعاصر, Imagology, Arabic Contemporary Poetry, الصورولوجیا, صورة أمریکا, أحمد مطر, America's image, Ahmad Matar,
Abstract :
Nowadays as we live in the era of globalization and communication, governments and statesexert all their efforts in order to achieve political, economic, cultural etc., objectives, to improve their prestige and to represent a positive image of themselves to attract the others. This is one of the political tools that the colonial governments, particularly United States, which attempts to extent its universal occupation: in particular, through the cultural invasion in the third world countries. On the contrary, weaker nations react against this action and resist.Now, this political theorem has become a cultural phenomenon and has been represented vividly as one of the cultural elements resulting from interaction between community and its social duty and function. Regarding this, the present study deals with imagology to investigate the America image in the poems of Ahmed Matar, the contemporary Iraqi poet, which suffered from his country’s occupation by America? Also, he had been the observer and witness of all problems and crises caused by it and challenges, murder, and crimes carried out by this country in Iraq and in the Middle East. The results of study demonstrate that Ahmad Matar had a dual view on America's government and represents a troubled and anti-Americanism image of this country by citing several reasons including: colonial dealing and military occupation, humiliating the nations and plundering their wealth, supporting the Zionist, cultural invasion, imposing mercenary rulers on the people, conspiracy, betrayal and deceit, interference in the affairs of the countries and other crimes.However, poet's vision to American nation is dual and fluctuates from the positive to negative.
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