The Significance of Setting in Tayyeb Saleh's Novel Musemol Hejrate Ela Alshomal(The Saeson of Mgration to the North)
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMaryam Akbari Musa Abadi 1 , Mohammad Khaghani Esfehani 2
1 - PhD Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature, Isfahan University, Iran.
2 - Associate Prof; Isfahan University, Iran.
Keywords: novel, الأدب القصصی, الطیب صالح, موسم الهجرة إلی الشمال, المکان الروائی, Season of Migration to the North, Setting, Tayyib Salih,
Abstract :
Place receives a paramount importance in the novel, not because it is an element in the story, or it is the context in which events occur or characters move in it, but because in some outstanding works it becomes a space which encompasses all of the stories' elements, including events and characters, and covers their inner relationship. When the place finds a way into the story, it achieves Ideological or Psychological meaning. It is possible to analyze the novel via exploring the meaning of the place. The setting includes objects, colors, sounds, odors, and these show character's emotions and thoughts. Place in the novel Season of Migration to the North consists of room, village and home. Place in this novel has Ideological meaning, because it shows the identity.
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