Content and Statistical Analysis of Articles in the Quarterly Rays of Criticism in Arabic and Persian from the First Volume to 23
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMahin Hajizadeh 1 * , Masoud Bavan Pouri 2 , Maryam Daryanavard 3
1 - Associate Prof., Shahid Madani University, Azerbayjan, Iran.
2 - Ph.D. Candidate, Shahid Madani University, Azerbayjan, Iran.
3 - Ph.D. Candidate, Shahid Madani University, Azerbayjan, Iran.
Keywords: Content Analysis, Scientific Assessment, التقییم العلمی, التحلیل الإحصائی, متوسط العمر, المصادر, إضاءات نقدیة فی الأدبین العربی والفارسی, Statistics, Average Age, Sources, Rays of criticism in Arabic and Persian,
Abstract :
As articles and other scientific products are growing at an accelerating process in Iran and the world, there is an urgent need for standards to evaluate and compare scientific publications. This will be achieved through scientific assessment, Science that benefits from information analysis. The academic Quarterly of Rays of Criticism in Arabic and Persian is considered as one of the most important journals in the field of Arabic language and literature in Iran which has been published in 27 volumes. This Quarterly has published 179 articles from 345 writers with distinguished university degrees and 44 universities and educational institutions. The subject of 45 articles, which means 25/13percent ison Persian literature and this contradicts the purpose of the Quarterly, which relied on Persian literature to identify it to Arab countries.This study focused on a statistical and analytical study of the number of authors of articles and their degrees and the extent of cooperation between them and the centers and institutions which cooperate in the quarterly. In this study, descriptive statistics method has been used. It means, Average,frequency and percentage are calculated, then the results are presented in charts and graphs.The research instrument is a statistical survey using SPSS version 16. The following results are obtained:50 articles were written individually, 129 articles were written jointly, Which 91 of these joint articles were written by the authors from the same university and 38 articles written by the authors from different universities.HadiNazari has the most articles with 7 papers. Half of the articles are devoted to criticism and analysis of texts. 34 articles were written by the editorial board with an average of 18/9, which is acceptable.
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