The Polyphonic Narration in the novel 'dafāter al-Warrāq' (Notebooks of the Bookseller) by Jalal Barjas in the light of the theory of 'Mikhail Bakhtin'
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMajid Salehbek 1 * , Maedeh Zohriarab 2
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD Student in Aarabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabae'i University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Mikhail Bakhtin, 'dafāter al-warrāq' (Notebooks of the Bookseller), Jalal Barjas, Polyphonic Narration,
Abstract :
The polyphonic novel is a novel in which we find the disappearance of the narrator in favor of the characters who undertake the process of narration and discourse by themselves and freely express themselves, their thoughts, and their own experiences, and this is what the critics named the polyphonic narration. We encounter the polyphonic narration in the novels of modern and postmodern literature as a departure from the traditional novel and its characterization by polyphony at different levels. Polyphony and poly-lingual are the most important concepts that Mickhail Bakhtin, the Russian theorist, was looking for. There is no doubt that the polyphonic narrative text is a new type of literary text and has a paramount importance in forming different languages and voices with different cultural and social affiliations and in changing a novel to a play in which the fictional characters interact. Accordingly, this research aims to study the polyphonic narration in the novel 'dafāter al-warrāq' (Notebooks of the Bookseller) by Jalal Barjas, the Jordanian novelist, in the light of Mikhail Bakhtin's theory. While the novel has polyphony feature, the research tries to depict its polyphonic basis through adaptation of polyphony in the text of the novel. Since the topic deserves to explore deeply and focus on its different aspects, this research tries to deals deeper with the polyphony feature of this novel. The approach of the research is that the text of the fictional text of Jalal Barjas includes multiplicity in personalities, consciousness patterns, ideologies, and others things that are among the components of the polyphonic narrative.
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