Investigating the effect of T. S. Eliot on the poetry of Yusuf al-Khal
Subject Areas : Literary criticismAli Najafi Ivaki 1 , Mina Mohmmadi 2
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashan University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - PhD Student in Arabic Language and Literature, Kashan University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Arabic poetry, Western Impact, Eliot, Yousef Al-Khal, The Waste Land,
Abstract :
Undoubtedly, many contemporary Arab poets were influenced by Western literature, and the traces of world-renowned poets such as T. S. Eliot, left in that literature. Eliot's famous poem, The Waste Land, with its tragic aspect had great influences on the contemporary Arab poets, especially after the occupation of Palestine and in the time of the socio-cultural crisis of the Arabs, because they imagine that their land is the same as Eliot's the waste Land. They expect water to revive their life. It can be said that the unfortunate reality of the political and social conditions of the Arab countries has been the main reason for inspiring the mentioned poets from the devastated land. Meanwhile, the Syrian-Lebanese poet Youssef al-Khal is among those who have been influenced by Western literature, especially Eliot. He founded a magazine called 'Poetry' and caused a new development in the concept of poetry in the Arabic language, which undoubtedly influenced the literature of the West, especially Eliot himself. In the light of the importance of the issue and its pivotal role in understanding the poetry of Yusuf al-khal, in particular, and contemporary Arabic poetry, in general, the present study tries to reveal Eliot's influence on the thought, view and poetic form of Yusuf al-Khal through a descriptive-analytical method. One of the most important achievements of this research is that Yusuf al-Khal's concept of poetry is in line with Eliot's poetic concept in areas such as the application of historical or mythical induction, depicting the problems of a generation and a nation, Christian or Tamuzi approach.
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