the image of the Intellectual character inshort stories by the Iranian writer, Goli Taraghi
Subject Areas : Literary criticismYadollah Malayeri 1 * , Naser Ghasemi 2 , Kamal Baghjari 3 , Hadi Haghgooan 4
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University, Qom, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University, Qom, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University, Qom, Iran
4 - Ph.D Student at Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: modernism, Goli Taraqi, Intellectual, tradition, character, Iranian short story,
Abstract :
Abstract In this research- through purposeful reading of Goli Taraghi’s works such as ‘I am “Ch” Guevara too’ (1969), ‘Scattered memories’ (1992), ‘Another place’ (2000), ‘Tow worlds’ (2002), ‘Another chance’ (2014)- the characters of the intellectuals in Farsi short stories are reflected. Based on their opinions, sayings, side takings in front of the mass and rulers and feedbacks- giving the fact that these feedbacks are the result of the natural contrast between tradition and modernism, the intellectuals are classified in this survey as well. In this study, the immaturity of the intellectual’s character and her doubt about tradition and modernism is also revealed as the main feature of her personality. As it turns out, in Goli Taraghi’s works, in many cases, the intellectuals give up their creed due to the pressure of the power centers. On the other hand, the mass, get used to the everyday life, and choose personal profit over social responsibility. According to what mentioned, the intellectuals are divided into four groups: 1) indifferent, 2) excluded, 3) professional, 4) disable to connect to the mass.
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