Analysis of Ghassan Kenfani's al-qubba'a wa al-nabi (The Hat and The Prophet) on The Basis of Bertolt Brecht's Defamiliarization Technique
Subject Areas : Literary criticismSayed Yousef Najatnezhad 1 * , Feisal Saiahi 2 , Naser Ghasemi 3
1 - PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farabi campus in Tehran University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Palestine, al-qubba'a wa al-nabi (The Hat and The Prophet), Ghassan Kanafani, Bertolt Brecht, Defamilarization,
Abstract :
Ghassan Kanafani is one of the most famous Palestinian writers and combatants, whose books, stories, and specially his plays are best examples of books, stories and plays and are a method for all his followers, and an exemplary for every writer who writes on Palestine and the Resistance. Al-qubba'a wa al-nabi (The Hat and The Prophet) is one of his most famous plays which has eight characters, of them the defendant character is the character of hero that represents Ghassan the combatant. Considering the structure, plot and other elements of the play, it seems that the writers seeks to address and stimulate the audience and human society to participate in the continuity of the issues and events and their results. This method is same as Brecht's one in writing epic plays. Therefore, the present study seeks to analyze this play on the basis of defamiliarization technique by use of a descriptive-analytic method. The results of the study includes the playwright's effort to encourage and stimulate audience to make changes out of the text and convert him/ her from an static audience to a dynamic one through participation in the events of this play.
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