Investigating the Dichotomies of the Poems of Elias Abu Shabaki and Mohammad al-Fayturi based on Frankl's Logotherapy
Subject Areas : Literary criticismSayed Soleiman Sadat Ashkevar 1 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Dehdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehdasht, Iran
Keywords: Fayturi, lofty goals, Logotherapy, Abu Shabaki, Holy Suffering,
Abstract :
Frankl's logotherapy is based on the principle of struggle against mental problems relying on certain principles and tactics through a will to meaning-therapy. Frankle seeks to find a meaning in life, as the first personal driving force, through the analysis of suffering concept, in order to help man in finding the meaning of his/her sufferings and turn difficult conditions into peaceful ones. The meaning of life is in constant change, but it never disappears. The role of logotherapist is to expand the person's field of vision, until the meaning and values are placed in the field of vision and self-conscious domain, and the truths boil inside his/her without the interference of others. This meaning is discovered by various ways including doing great and valuable works and experiencing lofty goals or bearing holy suffering. Meaning therapy, because of its reliance to language and speech-therapy, is in close relation to literature and poetry. Comparative study of the works of Elias Abu Shabaki and Mohammad al-Fayturi, two distinguished poets shows that they had relatively contrary attitude toward logotherapy and concepts and Victor Frankle; Abu Shabaki does not believe in the world and living in it and always rejects extremely the world. Factors such as poverty, early death of his father and political and social issues had fundamental role in the formation of this world aversion. Fayturi, on the other hand, sanctifies suffering and follows lofty oals and doing valuable works manifested as resistance poetry and patriotism. The poems of these two poets are the whole picture of their thoughts. The relative role of psychological, sociological, and ecological dimensions in the works of these two poets is also studied. Their poems are represented in contrary viewpoints, self- responsibility and respect of the self.
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