Representation of Adler's inferiority complex in the main character of Eylul's novel entitled "birds of September"
Subject Areas : Literary criticismZahra Farid 1 * , Saeedeh Farid 2 , Farzaneh Rahmanian 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD Student in Psychology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Ramhormaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormaz, Iran
Keywords: Adler, Emili Nasrallah, Birds of September, Psychological Criticism, inferiority complex,
Abstract :
Psychological criticism is considered as a new filed in which critic analyzes and investigate the hidden angles and psychological signs present in the characters in a literary work based on the principles of psychological theories in order to prepare the text for better analysis. The present study intends to analyze the personality of “Mena”- the narrator and protagonist present in a novel called “The Birds of September” written by Emili Nasrallah- a prominent Lebanese Writer. The novel narrates the failure and rejection of women of the Lebanese rural community including Mena and feeling inferiority, anonymity, and loneliness among them. Based on the Descriptive-Analytical method and within Adler's Individual psychological framework, this research aims to study the main feature of this theory, namely “Inferiority Complex”- and what reasons made her Mena's personality as well as the reflection of this feeling in her behaviors and compensation mechanism. Findings suggest that social environment and strict customs especially the dominant view of the father, the failure of love, and poverty have caused a feeling of inferiority in Mena. To overcome such feelings, she resorts to imaginary and incorrect methods such as using imagination and escaping from the reality of society and family which finally result in regretting, disappointing, and experiencing a sense of anonymity
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