cash of Ode “Andalusian wounds of Iraq” Based on Lacla and Mouffe Approach
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
پرویز احمدزاده هوچ
Ali Sayadani
Abdolahad Gheibi
Atefeh Rahmani
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
4 - Ph.D. Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University ,Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Laclau and Mouffe, Critical Discourse Analysis, Boshra alBostani, Andalusian Wounds of Iraq,
Abstract :
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) plays an important part in finding insights into a discourse. CDA runs a contentious examination of texts and plays a significant part in expression of textual implications and connotations. It helps going over the formalistic gloss of the text which poses barriers to capturing its true sense. It helps discover underlying discourse and latent layers of meanings. CDA differs from discourse analysis in terms of its methodology of examination. It is not pure examination of text or discourse within the textual framework. Boshra albostani, a renowned contemporary Iraqi poetess with a prominent poetic status. The distinctive linguistic structures of her poems have captured the attention of researchers. Employing Laclau and Mouffe approach, this research attempts to examine Al Bostani’s Ode of “Andalusian wounds of Iraq”. As one of her notable works, this ode signals a civilizational attitude as it was composed during years of Iraq’s occupation. The theme of resistance is the centralsignifier of this work while betrayal and handing the keys to the country to outsiders form other signifiers around which other secondary signifiers are articulated. Chain of Equivalence takes shape to breaks the discourse of others. In an ideological foray, it attempts to unveil the actual, consistence identity of the other party. Here, the poet relies on an inspiring, dynamic poetic language to enchantingly portray the exposition of the actual identity of the other party.
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