pictures of the cartoon sarcasm at Abu Dalama
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMaryam Ranaeipour 1 * , Enaiatollah Fatehi Nezhad 2
1 - PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Centeral Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Centeral Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: cartoon sarcasm, Abbasi poetry, AbuDalama,
Abstract :
AbstractVisual images are of great value in poetic scenes. The cartoon image is a visual image that aims to criticize society by distorting the existing image of reality and exaggerating its defects in order to indirectly attack the reality that is unable to meet the needs and needs of society. Therefore, caricature is one of the most important means of expression and the most powerful means of influencing and penetrating the mind of the recipient. And since caricature images usually lined with bitter and bitter irony, the result of this intertwining mixture was a wonderful color in poetry called caricature irony. Caricature irony is an innovative artistic tapestry that combines seriousness and humor in an ingenious way, where seriousness and humor are mixed, removing the breaks between them, aiming to push people to hit the nail on the head of the truth by portraying and amplifying the distortions of life.And since Abu Dalamah, the famous Abbasid poet, is famous in forums with the sarcastic poet, this study, based on the descriptive-analytical approach in presenting and criticizing the material, aims to highlight the images of cartoon irony, through Abu Dalama's poems. Finally, the research concluded that the cartoon sarcasm is a peculiarity of Abu Dalama's poetry. This pattern, in his poetry, along with humor and circumstance, became a defensive mechanism that the poet exploited to confront the social oppositions in society, fight their defects and combat their negatives, but without crossing the red lines
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