American Neocolonialism and Xenophobia against Arabs in Ala al-Aswāni's Chicago
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Fatemeh Bornaki
Natasha Poordana
Hojatollah Borzabadi Farahani
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Translation, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
Keywords: Ideology, neo-colonial, frenemy, postmodern democracy, ego and the other,
Abstract :
Literature is studied from the long times ago as a symbolic manifestation of the dominant policies of the society. In the post-colonial and post-modern era that attention to individual values and equality becomes prominent, a literary reading of the study of the position of the Arab and Muslim race in America, in which democracy, freedom and equal rights for all are claimed, represents the social and political truth of the present era. The present study is a sociopolitical study of the position of Arab and Muslim identities in the Ala al-Aswāni's novel Chicago on the basis of the political philosophy of Chantal Mouffe, French politician and philosopher, who says that due to the existence of superior ideology, public understanding is impossible. What happens in post-colonial democracy is a kind of new politician order to preserve democracy and opponent control. The sociocultural study of Chicago which represents the life of emigrants in American society in the post-September 11 attack era, explains a kind of hidden neo-colonialism, in which institutionalized Arab and Muslim races as the possible enemy of the country and American people, and terroristic factors in public minds. This explains the untold fact that equality in American society is nothing more than a democratic chanting, and new politics in neo-colonialism form, tries to control 'the other race and religion', by inducing horror and hate against other races and Muslims.
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