ultra narrative in the novel "The Game of Forgetting" by Muhammad Barada
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Lecturer in Arabic Language and Literature, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran
Keywords: Cold War, Muhammad Barada, New Narration, altrua narrative,
Abstract :
Al-Mutasardi or Al-Mitarwa'i or Al-Miyataqas, all of which have several words for the meaning of Al-Wahd. Alrvayyvn Bghyh Llvsvl to Thtym Alam Alrvayy Almtkhyl Alzy Kan Yshbh Balvaq Vymasl indeed Tmasa Hrfya, height Astkhdmva'm addicted Alalyat Valadvat per Alrvayh Ltkhrj as Almhakah Alhrfyh just Htrafyh, Fhv Kalsrd exorcised facing Ykhrj Alrvayh I Alvaqyh Albhth, Widmer alcohol Alzy the Ldy Almtlqy Lqbvl Alvqay Valahdas And the test of personalities and natures, the conflict of the righteous, and the firmness of the foundations and the firmness of the author. Yqvm Alrvayy hotels Alsrd Almytaqsy assigned to recruit'm addicted Alalyat Valmvshrat facing Yekhelqan Alnzm Alrvayy Valmntqyh chips per Alsrd, Kahtkak Alam Almtkhyl Balvaq, Tmazj Alrvayh Balnqd, Alatraf Bsnayh Alrvayh hotels Alrvayy entry per Alsrd, Tdakhla Mbashra, reflect Alsyrh autoimmune Llkatb lodging it mentioned Vsfafth.yjdr Here are some of the narrations in the legitimacy of the new narration. The establishment of the narration on the basis of the form of the new narration, in which the narrator is with the new narrators and their authorities and councils, and their employment is directed in the practice of the cold with success. The narrators of the moment until the second of the narrators of the Arabs, looking at the knowledge of the cash, which comes after the interpretations and the considerations of the cash in the
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