Methodological Analysis of ”Arabic literature through history”book written By Dr Huda Al-Tamimi From a Historical and Political Perspective.
Subject Areas : Literary criticismDavood Ahmadi 1 , Mohammad Ebarhim Khalifa Shushtari 2 *
1 - PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Olom Tahghighat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate professor of Arabic Language and Literature , Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Huda Al-Tamimi, Methodology, Arabic literature through history, history of literature,
Abstract :
Abstract:Writing in relation to the history of literature, like all kinds of writing, has been evolved with the development of culture. Type of writing books, including the history of literature has also changed with the extention of knowledge branches and specialization of studies and the necessity of publishing new research findings. The old history of literature which has been collected by biographies of poets and authors and also has been expressed their advantages and disadvantages based on her words, but the new books with new techniques are written along with analyzing and measuring political and social condition. This paper analyses the methodological analysis of”Arabic literature through history” book written by Dr Huda Al-Tamimi and methodological shortcomings history of literature in the Arabic literature books. In this research, first the current methodologies are analysed with analysis of history of literature books, then will be compared the Dr Huda Al-Tamimi methodology and current methodologies meaning of problems in the literature history. The method of this analysis is based on the descriptive – analytic method with adaptation and comparison and is reviewed from the views of the authorities of literature history. The aim of the author from the compilation of the book was provide the brief information a bout historical periods of Arabic literature which has grown in social, cultural and political base. It can also said that the method of writing the book was based on the method of contemporary Arab historians and it was historical aspect based on political division.
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