Poetic language of Resāla ilā Saif bin zī yazan (a letter to Saif bin Zi Yazan) by Abdulaziz al – Maqāliḥ
Subject Areas : Literary criticismVahid Mirzaei 1 * , Abdolali Aleboyeh Langerudi 2
1 - Ph.D in Arabic Language and Literature at Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: Abd al- Aziz al-Maqālih, poetic lexicon, rhythm, poetic language, poetic images,
Abstract :
One of the new terms of twentieth century was poetic language. Thus, the poetry is an interpretative language of the emotions and experiences of the life that the poet paints with the brush of his words. This can be done only by means of the interwoven words. Every poet has his own vocabulary that is the result of his culture and personal experiences by which he can expresses his emotions and thoughts that are behind beautiful pictures. This article, in a descriptive-analytical way, tries to examine in three levels the poetic language of Resāla ilā Saif bin zī yazan (a letter to Saif bin Zi Yazan). Its first part deals with the linguistic circle that recalls the age of the poet and relies heavily on the very frequent words. In the second part, poetic images of the poet that benefits from new techniques are examined. Then, the internal music that plays a fundamental role in the linguistic structure of the poetry which consists of repeating the letters, words and phrases is analyzed. It can be concluded that the Risala's vocabulary circle around the grief and sorrow and these words are the basis of his work, so that the whole of his Divan (collected poems) is full of the sad words and can be called qasida al-hozn (the Grief Ode). The emotions and feelings of the poet that reflected in the form of symbols, myths and poetic images in the first place show the grief of the Yemeni people and then reveal the regrettable conditions of the Arab lands. The dramatic and conversational style of the poem that occurs between the poet and hero of the Saif bin Ziyen divan enriched the poetic language. the tragic music of the poem that is the result of the repetition of long vowels, words and phrases gives it beauty and depth.
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