Religion and Post-Modernism challenges in Adonis poems: An Epistemological Approach
Subject Areas : Literary criticismKhalil parvini 1 , Kobra Rawshanfekr 2 , Seyyed Hossain Hossaini 3 *
1 - Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Tarbiat modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Tarbiat modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD student of Arabic Language and Literature at Tarbiat modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Religion, Postmodernism, grand narratives, death of god, Adonis,
Abstract :
The philosophical basis of postmodernism, especially in cosmological sphere, is on the lack of the belief in the metaphysics and the skepticism in efficiency of religious framework for understanding human essence which is based on rationality, instinct and revelation. The sovereignty of language is very important in this trend, because the language from this point of view is the essential device for understanding values and their mechanisms. Within the postmodern ideology, language and all its manifestations are understood as cultural symbols outside the realm of "absolutism". This attitude led to impose "relativism" and "individualism" upon the exhaustive principles (grand narratives) that were earlier considered universal. This philosophical effort especially in metaphysics and occult fields has not yet reached to reliable facts. The focus of this paper is on the study of the challenge of religion and Postmodernism and the anxieties emerged from it in the poetry of Adonis. The article in a descriptive-analytical method and by a philosophical-cognitive approach studies those poems of Adonis that bear such philosophical outlooks. It concludes that postmodernism in the poetry of Adonis shows this tension in the following fields: relativism; denial of absolutism; refute of grand narratives and disobedience to religion which do not conform to the absolute religious principles of monotheism, especially of Islam. In this study we have also pointed to the philosophical differences that postmodernism has brought about, because of its distance from the religion of Islam and its interaction with the texts of the other revealed religions. So, it is clear that the problem of the Western postmodern philosophy with religion results from the idea that their religious text does not provide them with convincing knowledge in most cases. What we have seen in those texts, therefore, is a multiple and contradictory interpretations throughout different periods, the interpretations that postmodernism announced its main desires, that we see so much in the poetry of Adonis with a philosophical taste.
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