The narrative structure in the poem "Children bear the mind" of Suleiman al-Issa
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
mahtab dehqan
Rasol Ballavi
1 - Gulf of Persia University, Bushehr
2 - Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature
Keywords: Narration, poem "children bearing the mind.", Sulaiman al-Issa, childish poetry,
Abstract :
Studying the structure of the texts, especially poetic texts, from the point of view of narrative criticism is of great importance because it gives us a new vision of what we read from the poems of modern times. This branch of literary criticism is used in the study of many poetic texts and prose to learn the construction of these texts better. In this research we used this critical approach to study the poem "Children with the Consciousness" by Suleiman al-Issa, the Syrian poet of children from his poetry collection "I and Jerusalem". In this research, we have relied on the analytical descriptive approach, and we have included several narratives about narrative, narrative structure, and a short vision of the poet's life in the introductory section. Then we studied the most important narrative techniques in the poem, such as the characters, the plot, the idea, the meaning, the dialogue, the narrator, and so on. During this study, we have reached several conclusions, including: that the poet has sufficient skill in dealing with characters from the elements of narration and has relied on narrative techniques in the narrative text, especially with regard to the mentality of children.
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