Non-verbal communication analysis in the system "Srivily Home» Nima Youshij
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMohammadreza Neshaei moghaddam 1 , Koobra Nodehi 2 *
1 - Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Gorgan branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor
Keywords: symbol, Location, Serivili House System, non-verbal communication, message transmission, time position, Nima Yoshij,
Abstract :
The sign as a symbol is a concept that is derived from the movement of some human organs or spatial and temporal positions and is more important and effective than verbal communication in places. In order to establish a good relationship, it is necessary to co-operate with the components in which the coordination between them can show us an interpretable connection, and the role of non-verbal communication is very important. The aim of this study is to examine the Nima's symbolic view as an innovative poet and traitor in different communication platforms and to achieve different reactions and reactions to the audience. The research, descriptive and analytical show Nima Youshij System " Srivilys Home" through non-verbal communication to reinforce the message of your verbal and has managed it to your audience spread the use of signs of nonverbal communication As with environmental conditions, the color and state of the body in this system are more impressive and the use of these signs to emphasize and highlight the expression and in order to induce the desired concepts Nima.
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