The origins of the images in the poetry of Bidel-e- Dehlavi
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMansore Basirpoor 1 , Iraj Mehraki 2 *
1 - Ph.D Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Indian style, the origin of the images, Bidel-e Dehlavi, image,
Abstract :
Poetic images had different manifestations in different literary periods. Poetic images in the poems are products of two basic factors: 1. Society and political, social and cultural conditions governed on it; 2. Poet's thoughts and mentality that play crucial role in creating poetic images. Bidel's poetic images are the result of his imagination; he combines his sensory and mental experiences in such a way that the reader is not able to grasp a single and explicit meaning from them. The only device to understand his poems is the reader's knowledge. The present article, based on library resources, deals with the origins and nature of Bidel's poetic images. The results show that the origins of his images are intrinsically different from the images of Persian classical poets, because the origins of the classical poetry are tangible and understandable elements; whereas the origins of Bidel's poetic images are the result of his philosophical-mystical thoughts, uttered in a special language. This language is called 'the language of dream' that causes complexity and ambiguity, and consequently incertainty in the meaning.
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