Reflections of polyphonic narrative in the novel 'Confessions of a Silencer' by Mo΄nes al-Razzāz as a manifestation of postmodernism
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Zahra Beheshti
Shaker Amery
Sadeq Askari
Ahiakbar Noreseedeh
1 - PhD student of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
2 - Co-professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
3 - Co-professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
Keywords: mo`nes al-Razaz, confesses of sound hider, polyphony, merging subsidiary stories in main story,
Abstract :
Polyphony is a technique that was proposed in novel and stories by Mikhail MikhailovichBakhtin and then by postmodernists. In Polyphony, multiple sounds of different characters are heard and the sound of main narrator of novel is forgotten. So there are some narrators in polyphony novels, and the common order of narrating story is not seen in such novels. We can say in such novels, different and even antithetic situations have special sounds. These sounds are placed between conversations of characters. Polyphony is one of the important properties of metanarrative. Merging subsidiary stories in the framework of main story, expressing daily dreams in a narrative frame and a world of dreams and nightmares are some properties of this kind of story. This property is existed in novel of "confesses of sound hider" (e`eterafatokatemalsout) by "mo`nes al-Razaz", the writer has merged a subsidiary story in the framework of main story. He uses daily memories and describes the dreams and nightmares of story characters. So the sounds of all novel characters have a role, and we can say that the novel doesn't have a normal form of first-person narrator or the third-person narrator. Although the third-person narrator occasionally appears, and intermixes to the other narrators of novel, but the narration direction of novel is continuing by sounds of the other characters. This essay explains about the polyphony technique and its sources, then surveys this technique and different narrators in the novel. And also, it surveys merging subsidiary stories in the framework of main story and appearance of a world of dreams and nightmares. This property has frequently a special place in polyphony novels.
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