The study of homosexuality in the novel of Arabia in the light of the sociological reflection theory: The case of the novel Shāri al-atāyef 'The Street of Affections'
Subject Areas : Literary criticismReza Nazemian 1 , Ghasem Azizimorad 2 *
1 - Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Allame Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD Candidate of Arabic Language and Literature at Allame Tabataba’I University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Shāri al-atāyef (The Street of Affections), reflection theory, homosexual,
Abstract :
Arabian novel encounters the triple of sex, politics and religion from dramatic and symbolic perspectives, and sees that the politics and religion are the main motivations of sex function, because sex application in Arabian literature has not literary motives, but is a phenomenon that the author uses for the sex own sake or at least must be said that he wants to use sex as a surface property of the body in the novel to have denotative presence in Arabian fiction. thus, it is not possible to explore bodily significations without taking its cultural and social significations into account. Therefore, Ibn bakhit sees a relationship between bodily significations and various problems, among which is his believe that the sex in the fiction is a kind of insurgence against the conventional veil (hijāb) in the society which is in fact a symbol of the veil of thinking. So, we see in this novel only the background (of sex) which can be focal point for the raise of many problems. Therefore, this novel is analyzed on the basis of the sociological reflection theory. The result of the research is that the novelist insists on the homosexuality and illegal relations of all members of the society including children, so that sexual relations are the main motives of the people in this traditional society. The author took Shāri al-atāyef (The Street of Affections) as a statistical society to analyze social disintegration in it. Because this street is the arena of struggles in Arabian society and its everyday social space, as if this street is backbone of Arabian society and the most important place for data processing of network of its social relations.
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