The Image of Wine in Mostafā wahbī al-tal's ( ͑Arār) poetry and the amount of its influence from rubāʿiyāt-e-Khayyām (Quatrains of Khayyam)
Subject Areas : Literary criticismHooman Nazemian 1 , Hossein Abavisani 2 , Soghra Falahat 3 , Razieh Maskani 4 *
1 - Associate Professor of Arabic language and literature in KharazmiUniversity, kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Arabic language and literature at KharazmiUniversity, kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Arabic language and literature at KharazmiUniversity, Tehran, Iran
4 - Ph.D Student of Arabic language and literature in KharazmiUniversity, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Image- wine-Arār-Rubaiyāt,
Abstract :
Mustafa Wahbi al-Tall, known as ͑Arār(1899-1949 AD) is one of the great poets of Jordan. He is known as the 'Father of Jordan contemporary poetry'. When ͑Arār received a versified translation ofthe rubāʿiyāt-e-Khayyām (Quatrains of Khayyam), he became interested in and fond of them, and composedKhayyām-type poems. So, we can say that it is too difficult to understandhis poems and mastering his poetic themes without understanding philosophy and thoughts of Khayyām. In order to determine the degree of poet's reliance on his poetic ability in creating new images, the article tries to have a technical look in his khamryyāt (wine poems). Similie, metaphor, hyperbole and so on are the most important devices which are investigated in the article. The results of the research show that there is no traces of the influence of imaginary pictures of Khayyām on Arār and the so called influence is due to the traces of Khayyam's philosophical thoughts in Arār poems.
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