Analyzing the concept of Jihad from Farabi's point of view
Subject Areas : Intellectual explorations
esmat savadi
hormoz asadikoobad
kiamars mansoori
1 - Islamic Jurisprudence and Law Department. Islamic Azad University, Tehran West Branch, Tehran. Iran.
2 - Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran.
3 - PhD student of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law Department, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz Branch, Iran.
Keywords: Farabi, Utopia, Key words: Jihad, philosophy,
Abstract :
Abstract: Throughout the history of thought, the concept of war has been considered from different perspectives. Meanwhile, political philosophy can be considered as one of the most important and comprehensive perspectives on war. Farabi's opinions as the founder of Islamic political philosophy regarding war can be evaluated in this regard. Farabi lived in a time and context where the concept of war and its ideological and practical requirements were tangible. Therefore, it can be said that Farabi felt the war well and understood its importance in completing a kind of political philosophy. Farabi's theory of war is one of the theories that judge the validity and unfairness of wars to the end; And the means of the verb are placed in the next ranks of importance. The purpose of war is based on Farabi's ontology, epistemology and human ethics. In other words, a person with such philosophical aspirations sometimes uses the tools of war to achieve his true goal and happiness, so that he can guarantee the happiness of this world and the nation by reforming souls. Finally, according to Farabi, war is like a tool that, if carried by the first ruler of Madinah, becomes the staff of Moses to split hardships and injustices and preserve virtues and virtues to realize the true happiness of the people of Madinah.
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