Types of Interpretation in Narrations with Emphasis on the Interpretive Narrations of Sadeghin (AS)
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Hassan Hassanzadeh
Seyed Mohammad Rastgoofar
Mohsen Khoshfar
1 - PhD student in Islamic Sufism and Mysticism, University of Religions, Qom
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University
3 - Assistant Professor of Hadith Group of Al-Mustafa (PBUH) International Society, Qom
Keywords: تأویل, interpretation, روایات تأویلی, تفسیر تأویلی, گونههای روایی, Interpretive narrations, Interpretive interpretation, Narrative types,
Abstract :
One of the types of interpretations of the Qur'an is interpretations which are referred as narrative interpretations. In these interpretations, which are a collection of interpretive narrations, these narrations have different types both in terms of content and method of interpretive expression. One of the most frequent narrations in terms of content is interpretive narrations. On the other hand, in mystical interpretations and even the science of mysticism, the issue of interpretation is one of the most important issues. Knowing the types of interpretive narrations, in addition to being effective in understanding interpretive narrations, also plays an important role in understanding the ratio between these narrations and issues of mystical interpretation. This research is a descriptive-analytical method to express the types of narrations in which either interpretation has been expressed or interpretation has been done. As a result of research, many different types of interpretive narrations were obtained, including longitudinal, transverse, inner, literary-syntactic, synthetic, virtual, predicative, composition and comparative interpretations.
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