Status of Happiness in Quranic Life Style
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakMaryam Solgi 1 , Zahreh Sadat Nabavi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty Member, Al Zahra University
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty Member, Payam – e Nour University
Keywords: انسان, قرآن, happiness, فلسفه, سعادت, ملاصدرا, کمال, human, Quran, philosophy, excellence, Mollasadra, حیات طیبه, Pure Life,
Abstract :
The present research which is done with descriptive – analytical method, studies the concept of happiness relationship with Pure Life in Holy Quran. In narrative and interpretive references, Pure Life is mentioned as happiness repeatedly. But the philosophical – religious concept of “happiness” is of ambiguity and various philosophical – religious schools offer different definitions. On the other hand, common aspect of all definitions of “happiness” with Pure Life is in their extremity. It means either Pure Life or all definitions of “happiness” emphasize the extremity of human lives as well as good living. Since based on ideology, human is a creature of both body and spirit and worldly life is a beginning of otherworldly life, thus real happiness contains any affair which meets the main aim of creating: approaching God.
قرآن کریم، ترجمه محمد مهدی فولادوند.
نهج البلاغه، ترجمه محمد جواد شریعت.
کتب عربی
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کتب فارسی
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