Re-reading the types of revelation
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
1 - Faculty of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: انسان, قرآن, الهام, رؤیا, dream, وحی, inspiration, revelation, prophets, Quran, Man, انبیا,
Abstract :
The word revelation in the Holy Quran is mentioned in more than 75 verses in various forms and derivatives. From the Amir Al-Momenin (pbuh) - the first commentator and explainer of the sciences of the Qur'an after the Prophet- an expression has been received in the meanings of various revelations. After that, Islamic scholars such as lexicographers, commentators and scholars of Quranic sciences have mentioned its meanings and considered types and varieties to it. There is homogeneity and inhomogeneity between these definitions. The common result of these definitions and categories is that each revelation in meaning of a secret message or reference has a source of issuance and a recipient. Carefully in all the verses of the Holy Quran that contain the word revelation, it can be said that the source that issued the revelation- in the literal sense i,e symbolic message- are God Almighty, man, angel, and Satan. Using the lexical and idiomatic meaning of revelation and with the help of the verses of Qur'an, this article examines the types of revelation on human beings and divides it into apostolic and non-apostolic revelation and divides the method of apostolic revelation into non-mediatory and mediatory revelation. He has criticized some definitions of Quranic scholars and believes that the word revelation is different from inspiration and dreams about chosen human beings and prophets.
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